
Bluestacks google play not downloading
Bluestacks google play not downloading

Try downloading the app after restarting the Bluestacks.Ī lower version of Bluestacks itself can also be a reason to keep the “waiting for download” displayed on the app download screen.Open the drop-down menu on Choose a predefined profile and select the latest Android device model.Open the Settings menu by clicking the gear icon.To switch the device profile on BlueStacks For example, Android applications like Sarahah and PSX4Droid are banned in USA.Īn attempt to download an app banned in your location on Bluestacks might return the download pending error.įollow the steps below to change the device profiles on Bluestack to solve the error. Similar to the example above, you might also encounter a download pending error on Bluestacks if a certain app is blocked in your country. Select the APK file and wait for the installation to finish.Now navigate to the location where you have saved the apk file.Inside the My Games under the ‘ personalize’ tab click on the three bars and select “Install apk”.Search for the desired app or game you want to download.

bluestacks google play not downloading

To download the game banned in your region you can use some other marketplaces like play store to download the apk file and install it on Bluestacks. This may sound heartbreaking and to come over the pain of not to able to download certain app or games on Bluestacks at your location, here is the solution. Some games or applications are designed for some specific country and region.

Bluestacks google play not downloading